What up Delvers welcome to Head canon 1: topic of today
Demon Slayer HC’s (image comes from https://www.pinterest.com/pin/611504455641043076/)

- Tomioka Giyuu is Selectively Mute
- Tomioka Giyuu is Autistic
- When TG (Tomioka Giyuu) goes on solo missions it usually ends up in chaos and he typically ends up sleeping at the nearest wisteria house.
- If TG could he’d sleep all day
- He’s gay
- He was homeless before he became a Hashira
- TG was forced into being a Hashira
- He said no to being a Hashira dozens of times
Sad HCs
- After his sister died, he was 9, he was sent to a mental ward where he was medically experimented on (and other abuses), he escaped at 10
- When he was taken to Urokodaki he couldn’t walk for 4 months
- Sabito died when TG was 13
- He was a homeless demon slayer who was slightly feral until he became a Hashira at 16
- Him and Kanae were best friends
- Kanae and Tengen had a promise to make him smile
- Tengen continued this even after she died